News of the approval of Adani’s Carmichael Mine Project has been welcomed by all three tiers of government, along with the Queensland Resources Council.
Last Thursday, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt approved the project.
The Carmichael Coalmine and Rail Infrastructure Project has been approved in accordance with national environment law subject to 36 of the strictest conditions in Australian history.
In making this decision Mr Hunt has considered additional information provided by Adani and environmental groups, including the Mackay Conservation Group, the Environmental Defenders Office and the Australian Conservation Foundation.
The conditions Mr Hunt has imposed takes into account issues raised by the community and ensures that the proponent must meet the highest environmental standards.
Local, state and federal governments have welcomed the move, saying the mine will create jobs and investment, boosting the local economy.
Federal Member for Dawson George Christensen said workers and business operators in central and north Queensland would be breathing a sigh of relief.
He hopes a decision will be made on the expansion of Abbot Point early November 2012.